Mark Disler

Web and iOS Developer

About Me

I'm Mark!
I graduated from the University of Massachusetts Amherst with a degree in Computer Science in May of 2020.

I currently work as an iOS developer.
You can check out some of the projects I've worked on down below.

My Projects


Jul 2021

FieldCanvasView is a custom component I built for one of my unannounced projects which uses CALayer and CAShapeLayer to render the field graphics. The canvas view also handles gestures for zooming and panning. Additionally, it allows you to add subviews which conform to a special protocol. Those subviews are then tracked to the grid of the field, so as you zoom and pan, the subviews will move and scale accordingly.


Nov - Dec 2019

A quick visual tool to generate UIBezierPaths. The tool allows you to place control points and adjust the handles to create custom shapes and views for iOS apps. Supports straight, mirrored, disconnected, and asymetric handle positioning. Code export is in Objective-C right now, but could easily support Swift.

Music Snippets

Oct 2019, Jan 2020

A very basic music renderer that draws most of its graphics using UIBezierPaths. The POC supports viewing and creating new snippets that are backed by Core Data. The renderer view is able to draw all basic note types and rests, as well as accidentals (sharps, flats). Lastly, it has a stepper for transposing the snippet up or down in half steps. At some point in the future, I'd like to build something more robust that can handle more complicated rendering like beaming notes together, zooming, and articulation markings.


Feb 2015 - Oct 2020

A calculator app with a twist that gives the user the opportunity to design their own calculator interface. The user can assign specific functions and colors to buttons as well as resize and reposition them. The app has support for multiple layouts, color palettes, user-defined constants, an in-depth math parser, a math renderer, a light and dark theme, and much more.
You can check out CapCalc on the App Store here.


Mar 2017

Built a matrix UI component for iOS in Objective-C. Takes a set of dimensions (number of rows and columns) and generates a matrix view. The base matrix is populated with blank highlighted textfields. As the user enters values, the background color is hidden. Fully supports autolayout.


Aug 2016

Built a graphing component for iOS in Objective-C. Takes an NSArray of math functions (x^2, 2x, x^3, etc) and genarates a graph visualization. The graph view supports both panning and zooming via gesture recognizers. As the user moves the graph around and adjusts the zoom factor, the view will recalculate the graph to maintain a smooth bezier curve. It relies on a comprehensive math parser I wrote years ago.

BRAIN Display

Sep 2015 - Jun 2016

The Band Room Automated INformation Display is an application created in Java for the purpose of displaying music lesson schedules for my high school band. It was designed to replace the antiquated whiteboard schedule which needed to be tediously redrawn every week. The “BRAIN” pulls from a lesson schedule data file, parses that input, and displays the next four days of lessons on the UI. Every night at midnight, the program will pull the next four days and update the UI accordingly. The assistant band director helps to maintain the BRAIN Display since my graduation.


Jul 2015 - Jul 2017

A scouting tool that can be used for robotics competitions. The app allows the user to create a scouting sheet with fields/entries that a team may find useful when trying to build an alliance. The scouting sheet can be updated with new fields/entries if necessary. The data that is collected during a competition can be searched to narrow down a list of teams to teams that match certain qualifications. You can even customize the accent color of the app to match your team color. This project is incomplete at the moment.


Nov 2014 - Jan 2017

An organized collection of math calculators in the form of an iOS app. I wrote a library of functions for evaluating math formulas for high school math. The user can provide their input into a well-designed UI and see all the steps from the input to the final answer.

Learning SceneKit

Towers of Hanoi

Built a Towers of Hanoi simulation using the SceneKit framework. Written in Swift. Runs on Mac and iOS.